Saturday, March 30, 2019

Another Saturday night,

I'm sitting in bed, wondering what to write.
One of the good things about this blog is now letting everything just tumble out, across the page. I'm quicker at typing, so I'm quicker to just dash off some thoughts. Those thoughts then, correspondingly, come  out more accurately than they did in the past. It's great not knowing what a post will be, what I'll talk about - if indeed, I'll talk about anything in particular.
Today has been a day of DJ-ing-  another BFLF, at Fire, in Vauxhall. So much fun, and proof that it all still moves me, even after al these years. I sometimes feel I'm going to seem like a fraud, and not really mean it. But then, the volume cranks up, out come those kick drums, and I'm away. I love it.
And - me and Dylan make a great team. I'm immensely proud of what we've achieved, and thankful for the opportunity to work together.
It's late now, and the clocks change tomorrow. Less time in bed - ugh. Better get under those sheets.
G'night, all.

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