Wednesday, March 06, 2019

More Keith.

It's been preying on my mind, a little, over the past day.
I know that there's been a ton of press about what a genius he was - and how he made the Prodigy great, and how terrible that someone so gifted could throw it all away. Well, what if it was us that created the persona, not him? I'm starting to think we created the need for that cartoon genius - and Keith was bright (and sensitive!) enough to realise the gap existed, and filled in the spaces. Then, I'm thinking ti trapped him. What If he didn't really want to roll out the cartoon, again, and again? I know how this feels, and it's not great, at all. If what you do on stage, doesn't really come from the heart, then it drains your lifeforce, at an astonishing speed. I'm more heartbroken for Keith, than I was, and in a different way. I realise some people won't get this - but looking at this from the point of view of being on stage - it really hits home, to me.

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