Sunday, November 14, 2021


 Oh, go on then - a double post. Don't often do it, but I'm feeling weak and feeble today, so I'm sitting here doing not much at all. I've got a proper head cold (nothing on the LFT), and it's an odd experience, as it's the first one I've had since the beginning of the pandemic. So, first real illness for about eighteen months. Looking back through the blog archive, colds pop up with alarming regularity. I'm fairly sure that must have had something to do with my rather louche lifestyle, over the last couple of decades. Now I'm a lot healthier, I seem to have been able to ward off the worst of it. Who'd have thought, eh? 

But I'm back in front of the screen, working on the bulletin for tomorrow morning, and mentally preparing a list of things that need to be done. I'm hoping my head clears enough, for that to happen. I've also got to drag myself into the kitchen and make an evening meal for everyone. They can have sausages and mash, I reckon there's a distinct possibility I will have another bowl of the spicy lentil soup I made earlier. 

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