Friday, November 26, 2021

Back to it

 I'd taken a day off, yesterday. For some reason, I was absolutely exhausted, my legs didn't feel up to anything, so I sat it out. Today - time to hop back onto the trainer. The photo above is what I see when I'm out on a ride - that's a tablet, so it's not the biggest screen, but it really doesn't matter, too much. For the first week, or so, the tablet had issues, and I was forced to use a phone, instead. To be honest, it wasn't that much of a difference. You just move the screen closer to you, and it fills your field of vision in much the same way. But, with the tablet, you can see all the stars in detail - this is hugely important, as any cyclist worth their salt will tell you.

Looking at that - 300-ish calories, about half an hour in. That's OK - it's 900 an hour if I'm on a smashfest, or about 400 if I'm pootling. 172 bpm heart rate: well, I'm going up a mountain, so that figures. The average speed is about 18km/h, which is good, and I'm putting out an average of 211 watts. Again, fairly decent. 

But the best thing about all of this is that I'm inside, heading up a mountain, in the Spanish sunshine. The weather here has been awful - cold, wet, dank. Tonight will be worse, by all accounts, as storm Arwen rolls in. All of this means I'm back on the trainer tomorrow. 

Tonight, I'm relaxing, and hunkering down. I think there will be some snow, overnight. Time to get warm.

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