Tuesday, January 17, 2023


And lots of them.

Today I had one of those moments when time stops being linear. I know I've been banging on about this for a while, but my life really does seem to be cyclical - like there's no end and no beginning, but the flow of time is constantly all around me, in all directions.  I was picking milo up from school when I suddenly felt and saw all the other days I'd been there. Through the various stages of his life. The sunny afternoons, the plasters on the knees, the excited clambering up the climbing frame. And it's not just the past, but it's the potential of all the days of his life moving forward, too. It was immensely moving - quite breathtaking. One of those moments when time doesn't just slow down, it rushes outwards, like ripples in a pond. And there I am, in the middle of it all. As I slowly move around, I can see the past and the future. Life's amazing. 

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