Monday, June 25, 2007


Here's the latest from the "I'm in UR..." meme, which ended up in the hyper-meme explosion of Lolcats/Lolbots/Lol-logos/whatever....a snazzy T-shirt which gives you the chance to update ur phrazez as the meme mutates. Enjoy!!!111ELEVEN!
And i'm guessing you'll be wanting an update on "the project" won't you? Well, beta is *this* close. If you're in my address book, expect some news very soon.
In other news, I appear to be coming down with a bit of a cold, which is very frustrating. This week is one which will need me to be as sharp as I can possibly be.
How about some silliness, to take away the impending chaos of launch?
Fair enough.
how about the US Supreme court cracking down on free speech?
And it's been a while since we checked out Xfm, hasn't it? Well, the latest wheeze they've come up with is "Live From Leicester Square" Well, as far as I can see, all that means is yet more networked content. Essentially, they will network the 6-7pm hour of Camfield's afternoon show on a Friday....and what will the regional audiences feel, when they're coerced into the jollities down south?

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