Thursday, March 09, 2023

Skateboarding unlocked my mind

 All these years later, I'm only now starting to understand how much of my life has been shaped by Skating, not just by Skating itself - but by reactions to it and how I looked for the same creativity everywhere. 

Skating taught me that talent wasn't everything - style was. Skills and tricks are fine, but there's an attitude and a flow, which only the greatest skaters have. They display that attitude, even when rolling along, not doing much at all. The video above, of Antwuan Dixon, is a case in point: it's amazing in terms of tricks - hammers, everywhere. But more than that, he is the epitome of a style and flow which is at once effortless yet completely breathtaking to watch. At around 55 seconds, he lays down a nose slide to 270. Every time I see it, I'm stopped in my tracks. It's like he's not even aware of what he's doing or how good he is. He is just....there, in the moment. 

Ever since I stepped on a board, I've been looking for those moments constantly. Not just in Skaters, either: in musicians, TV presenters, actors, friends, and lovers. Do they have that flow, that sense of being at ease, that creative grace? It's like a door you can open to let your true self shine out. 

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