Thursday, February 23, 2023

Dreams, and their reasons.

 I dream of University years a lot. I did it last night. There doesn't ever seem to be an external impetus for dredging up these thoughts: it's something which has been internalised. My uni years were really a story in two parts. Firstly, the opportunities which I seized, which would come to define my life. i learned how to be a DJ, met all of the bands who passed through the colleges and clubs, and made friends and contacts throughout the musical community. Little by little, I was moving towards some sort of career where music would play a part. 

But also, it's a three-year period marked by academic underachievement and disappointment. I never worked, never stretched myself. I never applied my mind to my studies, and that's always a source of regret. Could it be that? Could it be those regrets that still bubble up and bother my subconscious?

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