Tuesday, April 02, 2019

New Music

I spent most of 2018 a little confused about new music. I tried, with Spotfiy, to find a slew of new things, but always came up short: there just wasn't anything out there which grabbed me. Consequently, I spent most of the year wallowing in old favourites (trans: a lot of Miles Davis).
This year, however - it's a different story. Alongside Weyes Blood. I guess the biggest thrill for me so far is the new Chris Cohen album. It's wonderful, of course  - but it flits with a very fragile beauty. At first listen, it seemed a little out of focus, and I wasn't sure if it worked. There's this glorious moment for me, when listening to things online, that suddenly flips into genius. It always happens about forty seconds into a song: I'm thinking "oh this doesn't work, at all" and my finger hovers over the skip button. Then, there's the slightest hesitation - did I get it wrong? And in that moment, there's a sudden release, and the song unfolds its actual meaning. I love it when that happens, and if definitely happened with the Chris Cohen record. So, give it a go - and wait for that forty second reveal. It's worth it, trust me.

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