Sunday, April 21, 2019

It's the mornings I love the most.

I'm sitting here, at the kitchen table, after a bowl of rice and egg, with a coconut green tea beside me. The house is quiet, the skies empty of planes. It's going to be a sunny, warm (possibly HOT) day today, and you can feel that from the sky already. The birds are singing, and there's dew on the grass. I'm about to feel what that dew is like - I reckon it's time to go out and water the garden. Yesterday I finally managed to give the lawn its first "proper" cut of the year, and sorted out some of the pots. The beds - sadly - that's a different story. They'll have to wait a little while longer.
But, there's Parsley, and Thyme, and Mint to water, alongside a new Sweet Bay. There are Strawberry plants, some lavender, and perhaps most exciting, a tiny Sunflower that Milo grew in class. It arrived home in a tiny cardboard pot, no more than an inch tall. It was summarily transplanted to a lager plant pot, on the kitchen windowsill for a week or two, and now it's time has come to venture out into the big wide world. It's in a large pot on the patio - rather dwarfed by it's surroundings. I'm looking forward to seeing if it can thrive.

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