Friday, March 14, 2025

I love it when things turn into an obsession

 Case in point: the Merce Lemon album.

I absolutely hammered "Backyard Lover", late last year, but since then, the album has wormed its way even deeper into my consciousness. There's an almost painful melancholia on show - a steely-eyed resolve, a vulnerability that borders on determination. I can't recommend it highly enough: it's awesome.

I've been cycling again today - down Partridge Lane, to the Rusper Road. Lanes that I've not previously traversed - that's something which always fascinates and inspires me. the landscape is there to be explored, remembered and understood. I feel like I must commit these routes to memory, to allow them to become a part of me.
I need to do loads of things, over the weekend - Admin, some social media postings for Late Transmissions, and the Joneses too. Remember my musings on touring? Well, it looks like plans are afoot.
And it's not only gigs - there's a new album on the way, as well. I think it's better than Passages. That was archetypical Jones - this new record is an attempt to push the envelope as far as it will go: it'll confound, and thrill, in equal measure. I can't wait to share some stuff with you.

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