Saturday, March 08, 2025

finally, I appear to be fit again.

 Well, back to a decent level of fitness, anyway. Over the last 18 months, I've got slightly rotund, I've definitely let my fitness slide, and I've not been able to ride as much as I'd like. 

I think that's at the heart of it, really. I've just had a couple of years packed with work, gigs, touring, and logistics. It's been impossible to string together a regular pattern of training. But, over the past three weeks, I've been on it, and (crucially) I've been outside. I'm so lucky to live in this most beautiful of locations - and I've thrived, in the open air. My preferred training patch is definitely now the hinterland past Betchworth, down towards Gatwich Airport, and then back via Newdigate, and (eventually) Box Hill/Lodgebottom Lane. 

Plane coming in to land, at Gatwick

When the weather is good, there really isn't anywhere else I'd rather be. And the route I take now heads back via the Rusper Road, past Tanhouse farm shop, so I can throw a slice of Chocolate Fudge Cake in my belly. Win-win. 

I've felt a little melancholy today, and I'm not sure why, though. Like I'm missing someone, or something. As if there's a hole in my life. A vacuum. I'll head off to bed, crawl under the sheets, and let my thoughts unwind. that's always a good remedy.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Weird weather

 But, at least it got better! This was at about 10.45, this morning, passing Gatwick Airport. thick fog, with the planes taking off overhead obviously subject to delays - the departures were much wider apart than usual. And, I have to say, the fog in this photo isn't all that bad, either - around twenty minutes previously, passing through Norwood Hill, I could hardly see the road in front of me. 

After Gatwick, it did improve slightly, and by the time I had been through Wimlands, and Friday Street, it was much better. the ride back up the Newdigate Road was glorious: fast, flowing, fun. Plus, I was lucky enough to be able to drop in to Tanhouse, for a pit stop. A wonderfully earthy espresso, plus a slice of Chocolate Fudge Cake that coated the ribs and set me up for the journey home.

It wasn't all plain sailing, mind you - on that return leg, my top gear started slipping. I'm fairly sure it's a stretched chain. I must have put at least 5000km on this one, which is plenty. I've been scrupulous about lubing it, and cleaning it after rides - but I do put in some strain, with all that climbing, and the winter weather will not have helped, at all. So, it's time for some remedial works.

Tomorrow, I'll be back on those roads, but it'll be on the Giant, not the Tarmac.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Today has been about sunshine and samples.

 This was the sample. About 50 seconds in. No prizes, obviously. 

Just jaw-droppingly amazing - and such a powerful moment. Sends chills up the spine. 

And the sunshine?

Well, that was from being back out on the bike, obviously. The weather this morning was just perfect. I was out a little earlier than I would have liked; just before 10am, when I left. The roads were still a little slick, and greasy, but once I had passed Esher, everything opened out, and the Sun filled the sky. 

I headed out past Esher, through Cobham, and up Hatchford Hill. Past Bridge End, through Ripley, then up Hungry Hill, and the full length of Ripley Road. This photo is at the top of the road, just before turning back onto the main road, and heading for home. It was a life-affirming experience, being out in the Sun again. I know, it wasn't exactly warm - but that'll come, too. 

Monday, March 03, 2025

Genuinely terrifying

 There were certain points in this video, where I got the fear, big time. A couple of the corners - I didn't think he was going to make it. At these sorts of speeds, there's not much room for error. Having said that, it does look like it's basically the most exhilarating thing, ever.

Oh, and one more thing, at one point, he's doing 80kmh. That's actually 10km/h slower than my fastest speed, on a road bike. Looking at this video, I'm actually tempted to vow that my days of going very, very fast are over.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Busy Weekend

 It all seems to have completely flown by, that's certain.

A bike ride on Saturday morning, once the fog had lifted, then childcare for the large part of the rest of the day, as Pip was out on a jolly (Brits afterparty, lucky for some)

That meant I had to do the run with Marnie, to her Swim Gala in Maidenhead today - up and down the 25, and the M4, on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Thankfully, the traffic was kind - this makes a huge difference, trust me. 

Being in the car for a protracted amount of time allowed me the luxury of diving deep into some of my recent Spotify obsessions, as well. Chief amongst those is Pale Blue Eyes - beguiling, and cerebral indie-Krautrock. This is chiming heavily with me at the moment: a renewed push to get on the turbo trainer has meant I've been listening to LOADS of Motorik Playlists, and bits of what Pale Blue eyes do, have fitted in, nicely.
