Friday, May 03, 2019

Sunrise in Sao Paulo.

Well, almost.

I'm awake, and getting ready for the day. Not a bad nights sleep, given the circumstances - I was really expecting it to be a lot tougher. I think the last crazy Jet Lag night was before the King's Arms, when we were in NZ. That was a truly impossible night - hardly any rest at all.
Last night, I passed out about 10, slept within minutes. Woke at about 1.45, then 3. Awake for about half an hour, then a couple of segments of sleep, again. So, overall, even though it was broken, I suspect I got five or six hours. Really, that's a victory, in my book. I'll need to re balance a bit - nap for an hour (no more!) this afternoon, and I might well be OK.
It's nearly six AM, so it's time to read for a while, have a shower, think about breakfast. There's a huge buffet in the hotel here, so that will set me up for the day, and will more than likely negate the need for any sort of lunch whatsoever.

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