Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Well, that was an interesting month!

Interesting for one reason: I'm back on the airwaves! I'm now on the newly-launched NME Radio, doing the afternoon show. It's been a long time, but it feels great to be back on air. Shadowglobe is currently in "wait" mode, but it Will return: we're eagerly anticipating launching V.02, so watch this space for news of that as well.
Apart from that, I've been massively busy with my friendfeed page, so if you're wondering what happened to the long stream of links and videos I normally post, well, they're on friendfeed. It's turned into one of those services I simply can't live without: I can't recommend it highly enough. If you have any interest whatsoever in Social Media, you need to sign up.


Tim said...

Wahay! Congratulations on the new gig, Iain - I'll be listening in this afternoon!

JAG said...

Congratulations Iain. Any idea when it'll be on DAB in London? Could almost recreate the old XFM with Keaveny, Sturgess, and you now! (No more listening to Lamb or Nemone in the day too!).

Anonymous said...

(No more listening to Lamb or Nemone in the day too!)