Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Holy Shit
David Bernal is back. Check the new clip on his site, seriously incredible stuff. Watching him move, you can almost believe he's not actually human.
Been doing some remembering tonight, the time when me an my best man Nick hitched a ride from Lancaster at 2am. It might well have been after an Age of Chance gig. It was cold, breezy and the sky was stuffed full of stars. Seeing as it was a midweek, there were no buses, no way back to campus except to walk. Every car that passed, we would try and hitch a ride. Of course, no-one took any notice of two pissed students, singing REM songs at an inky void above them. Finally, an old Land Rover stopped and picked us up. it was a short wheelbase model, so we perched on the flat back, just over the wheel arches, facing backwards. The tyres sang out that low drone, chunky tread on smooth tarmac as we headed home. Two guys, drunk, happy, faces red with joy, happiness, beer and the Lancashire breeze.
To the man like Speight, nuff respect.

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